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May 23, 2024
Hanko Cloud

Custom email sending

Send your own passcode emails with Hanko's new custom email sending feature. Custom email sending allows you to have full control over emails sent to your users. Simply subscribe to the new email webhook and build your own emails. See the custom email docs here.

New features:

  • Added the email.send webhook (Project settings > Webhooks)
  • New setting to disable email delivery by Hanko (Project settings > Emails)
May 2, 2024
Hanko Cloud
Hanko Elements

Sign in with Microsoft & Discord

We've added support for Sign in with Microsoft and Discord to Hanko Cloud. Hanko Cloud admins can find both under the Identity providers section in the project's settings.

Once enabled, the respective "Sign in with..." buttons will be displayed for all users on your <hanko-auth> sign in and sign up page.

Sign in with Microsoft supports both personal and work accounts (e.g. Office 365 or Azure AD / Entra accounts). This feature took a good amount of work and was stalled for a few months because we stumbled upon the "nOAuth" security vulnerability (basically by accident) and had to find a way around it. To make sure your Hanko project is protected when using Sign in with Microsoft, please follow the steps highlighted in the Hanko Docs for the Microsoft identity provider.

Other changes:

  • Automatic account linking can now be toggled for each individual identity provider
  • Third-party sign-ups are now correctly displayed in the project dashboard statistics
March 19, 2024
Hanko Cloud

Webhooks, automatic reactivation for free projects

We have updated Hanko Cloud with the following changes:

  • Webhooks: You can now create webhooks for your Hanko projects. Events to subscribe to are currently limited to user data, e.g. when a new user has been created or the primary email address was changed. More event types will be introduced in future releases.
  • Automatic project reactivation: Projects that are in the free tier will be paused after 7 days of inactivity to preserve cloud resources. We wanted to make this as unobtrusive as possible, so we've added a respawner service to our production cluster that reactivates paused projects on the first request. Manual project reactivation on the Hanko Cloud Console dashboard can still be done, but should not be required anymore for your apps to not show an error when loading Hanko Elements anymore. Automatic project reactivation will only be active for new projects from today, but we'll update all projects gradually over the coming weeks.

All Hanko Cloud projects have been updated to v0.10.1.

Check out the new features by signing in to your Hanko Cloud account.

March 7, 2024
Hanko Cloud

Sign in with Google & GitHub

We've added Sign in with Google and GitHub options to the Hanko Cloud Console login.

February 21, 2024
Hanko Cloud

Account linking, improved passkey naming

We have updated Hanko Cloud with the following changes:

  • Automatic account linking: Account linking is now activated by default for identity provider connections. This allows for existing accounts to be accessed with 3rd-party connections like Sign in with Google when using the same email address, and vice versa.
  • Improved passkey naming suggestions: When a new passkey is created, the original passkey name displayed in the list of passkeys in the user profile is generated by Hanko Backend. Previously, all passkey names looked like "Passkeys-ABCDE", where "ABCDE" was the last characters of the random credential ID. From now on, the passkey names are based on the available information about the authenticator used to create the passkey, e.g. "iCloud Keychain", "Windows Hello" or "1Password", which improves the usability of the passkey list in the user profile.

All Hanko Cloud projects have been updated to v0.10.

Check out the new features by signing in to your Hanko Cloud account.

November 9, 2023
Hanko Cloud

Subdomains & Hanko v0.9 support

We have updated Hanko Cloud with the following changes:

  • Subdomain support: Under project Settings > Advanced is now a new option to configure multiple origins for your Hanko project. Passkeys are always bound to a specific domain, that's how they are so effective against phishing attacks. But that means that you have to define to which domain you want to bind the passkeys for your users. Typically, that's the App URL where your app is hosted and where you integrate Hanko Elements web components. But in certain scenarios, you may want to host your app under, e.g.,, but want to bind your user's passkeys to, That means you'll be able to make the same passkeys usable on and all its subdomains. For this to work you have to set your App URL to and add all subdomains you want to support to the origin list. You can always add more subdomains and all existing passkeys will work there as well.
  • Links to guides fixed: Links to the integration guides on the project dashboard had changed due to our docs being migrated to Mintlify. The linked guides now point to the correct locations in again.

New Hanko Cloud projects will use the latest Hanko v0.9.0. All existing projects are still on Hanko v0.8.4 but will be updated soon.

Check out the new features by signing in to your Hanko Cloud account.

September 6, 2023
Hanko Cloud

Hanko Cloud Release 2023-09-06

We have updated Hanko Cloud with the following changes:

  • Self-service account creation can now be disabled under Settings > Allow Sign up. This gives you the ability to make your app invite-only. Please note that admin-initiated user creation is currently possible via the admin API and will be available in Hanko Cloud Console soon.

All Hanko Cloud projects have been updated to use the latest Hanko v0.8.3.

Check out the new features by signing in to your Hanko Cloud account.

August 17, 2023
Hanko Cloud

Hanko Cloud Release 2023-08-17

We have updated Hanko Cloud with the following changes:

  • Passkey autofill (aka Contitional UI) is now active on the Hanko Cloud login page
  • Several UI fixes and improvements

Check out the new features by signing in to your Hanko Cloud account.

July 28, 2023
Hanko Cloud

Hanko Cloud Release 2023-07-28

We have updated Hanko Cloud with the following changes:

  • API keys to access the admin API can now be created and managed for Hanko projects under Settings -> API Keys
  • User import has been added to the Users view with support for JSON files (an example file and the schema can be downloaded from the import popup)
  • More session duration options have been added to Settings -> Authentication -> Session duration
  • Free projects will now be paused after 7 days of no activity to conserve resources and avoid hosting unused applications; If that happens to one of your projects, we'll inform you via email; Paused projects can be reactivated anytime through the project's dashboard on Hanko Cloud
  • Several UI fixes and improvements

All Hanko Cloud projects have been updated to use the latest Hanko v0.8.1.

Check out the new features by signing in to your Hanko Cloud account.

July 6, 2023
Hanko Elements

Hanko v0.8.0

In this release we consolidated the version numbers of the hanko backend and hanko-elements and the frontend-sdk, so it's clear which components work together. On top of that we introduce several small features. Some of the highlights are:

  • Custom translations for hanko-elements
  • User import
  • Improved events in hanko-elements
  • Documentation for creating a nuxt app with hanko. The nuxt module can be found here. Thanks to @danielroe and @McPizza0
  • New example: deno/fresh. Thanks to @tobihans

Migrating from hanko-elements v0.5.5 to v0.8.0

Under certain conditions migration could be necessary. For more details see:

Full Changelog: backend/v0.7.1...backend/v0.8.0

All Hanko Cloud projects will be automatically updated to the latest Hanko backend version.

Check out Hanko on GitHub and npm


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