December 15, 2022

Hanko v0.3.2

Adding support for native Android and iOS apps and bringing Hanko to Svelte.

Mobile app support

Developers can now use Hanko for authentication when building native apps for Android and iOS. Since passkeys can also be used in native apps, this enables a seamless user experiences across websites and native apps.

To make this work, we had to add support for multiple WebAuthn origins to Hanko backend. Passkeys are always bound to an "origin", and in most cases that is a domain. However, unlike websites and iOS apps, an Android app identifies itself with its APK hash during the WebAuthn ceremonies required to use passkeys. This APK hash can now be added to the list of allowed origins in the Hanko backend config.

We will also release a first draft of a sample app for Android very soon to provide guidance on building native app authentication with passkeys using Hanko.

Bringing passkeys to Svelte 👋

A small bug in the library we're using for our web components prevented Hanko to work with Svelte apps. Until now. The integration guide can be found at

Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2